Podcast Foundations Course
Everything You Need to Know to Publish Your Podcast in 30 Days or Less
No Technical Knowledge. No Confusion. No Experience.
Just a walk-through strategy to go from concept to published and attract listeners in 30 days or less.
A Podcast is the most effective way to reach a wider audience than by other online means. It's also better for building relationships with listeners and making consistent sales.
Inside the Podcast Foundations Course
You will learn everything you need to know in order to:
- Increase your reach and build a bigger audience
- Position yourself as an authority
- Share your message in a way that's more aligned than video with your brand vision
- Dispense valuable information to others without draining your bank account
Here's How it Works
- Easy-to-follow course modules each with a collection of stand-alone lessons
- Conquer confusion by completing each task in turn as you go
- Step-by-step demonstrations, videos, guides, templates and worksheets to keep you focussed and on track
- Simplified teaching of anything that might seem mechanical or technical so that you can be in total control of the process
This Foundation Course Will Show You How To:
- Nail your podcast idea
- Create your unique, stellar process from cover art to content and titles so that you can actually be seen in the sea of podcasts currently available
- Map out your podcast using my super-simple strategy, so you are on top on everything and not stuck in overwhelm
- Create an exciting pre-launch strategy to ensure you get listeners on the day that you go live!
- Swipe my secret weapon for creating a season of content over brunch
- Select the right recording and editing equipment for you
- Learn my down and dirty tricks for simplifying the recording, publishing and distribution process
- And more
- Founding Members receive the course at $97 (a Founding Member is someone that enrols in the course before it commences on November 13 UTC / November 14 AEST 2019)
- Enrol with a friend and you'll each receive a bonus 1:1 podcasting coaching session with Brooklyn so that you can develop a pre-launch strategy / market / iron out any wrinkles and so that you're all set for success! A coaching session with Brooklyn is valued at $500.
Why You're Leaving Money on the Table if You're Not Podcasting!
- Podcasts surpassed music downloads in 2019
- 88% of people are more likely to listen to an entire podcast (on average, a podcast is around 20 minutes) than watch a Facebook Live video
- Four times more people listened to podcasts than watched the Game of Thrones finale season premiere!
- Habitual fans listen to 7 podcasts per week
- More people listen at home than driving and about 20% of Australian listeners will listen with a partner or family member
- Podcast listeners are loyal
- More men than women listen to podcasts in America (56% v 44%)
- 61.2% of listeners spend more time listening to podcasts than watching TV
- 63% of listeners have purchased something that the host promoted
- Publishing regularly means you get to build trust and rapport with your audience
Not Sure What to Podcast About?
Here some ideas for inspiration!
Draw content from your daily life and related it to work
Share stories or metaphors
Educate - teach a technique, tool, approach, raise awareness about an issue that you're passionate about
Have a conversational podcast - invite friends or guests and record the conversation you have on a particular topic
Q&A, myth-busting, hot topics in your industry, Did you Know?
Read out your blog post
Read out someone else's article or blog post and then share your views or thoughts
Fact of the Day / Quote of the Day and your interpretation of it as it relates to your area of interest (like business)
If you get super stuck, ask a loved one, friend, or your audience about what they'd like to hear you talk about on a podcast. What would make them tune in? Run a poll in your Facebook group or on your Instagram and see what the results say!
You could do this alone and without any support.
You could waste your weekend trying to Google 'how to edit my podcast' or watching YouTube videos on launch processes.
Or, you can cut to the chase and just Get It Done!
Inside the Podcast Foundations course you'll find all you need to transform your idea into a fully published, live, listenable podcast and you'll have access for the lifetime of the course!
Your Instructor
About Your Course Instructor
For over 20 years, I've been helping clients and students just like you to achieve their goals using their innate power of their mind. My passion has been in understanding human behaviour and how the conscious and subconscious mind create our experiences of the world around us. Working with industry leaders, entrepreneurs and business owners as clients has really provided me with a unique insight into how to unlock the potential that I believe we each have within us. If we haven't met yet, 'hi!'. My name is Brooklyn and it's my absolute pleasure to be here sharing my knowledge and insights. I can't wait to work with you.